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R&D strategy

Nexus Alliance Biopharma is taking innovative leaps in developing novel cancer treatments. We aim to improve the lives of the patients by reducing the side effects and increasing the efficacy of the predicated products and its combinations. . We are making out cutting edge technology available to patients all over the world. We are aimed to make treatment more effective and affordable. A key point in oncology research at NAB is identifying suitable molecular targets at different stages of tumor evolution with the aim of killing tumor cells and stopping tumor growth. This is done by improving the targeting of the tumors without attaching the healthy cells. Thus, reducing the known adverse events associated with the treatments. Novel therapeutic strategies are derived from such targets. Our pipeline drugs explores specific treatment formulations for various tumors.

  • Primarily gaining approval for Orphan Drug Designation (ODD),
  • Proceeding into life cycle approvals of more commonly known indications such as prostate, lung, breast cancer, as well as hematologic malignancies.